Because I was presenting MCP at the first ever Jazoon conference, my friend and expert JSF Developer Alexander Jesse invited me to speak at the first ever JSF User Group meeting. The meeting was held at a Credit Suisse office in Zürich on the evening of the last day of the Jazoon conference.

Credit Suisse is the largest financial institution to go public with its investment in JSF, though I have it on good authority that Deutsche Bank, and Oesterreichische Kontrollbank also have made significant investments in JSF. Mr. Jesse's presentationat Jazoon detailed how Credit Suisse has achieved significant advances in developer productivity, UI uniformity, and maintainability by creating a custom JSF component library specific to the needs of Credit Suisse IT developers. Mr. Jesse printed up flyers announcing the JSF user group meeting and these were distributed in the Sun and Credit Suisse booths in the exhibitor area, as well as at every one of the five JSF related presentations at Jazoon.

The primary goals of this inaugural meeting was to decide if there was a need for a JSF user group in Switzerland, should the group be a special interest group (SIG) within JUGs or a standalone group, and how often should the group meet. Secondarily, Mr. Jesse and I would present some fun technical content, not found anywhere else at Jazoon.

The slides from the meeting can be found here:

We had about 22 people attending the meeting, about half of whom had heard of it from the conference. The response was enthusiastic. Alexander's notes from the meeting can be found at his blog, at <>.

Please leave a comment on this blog if you're interested in the next meeting.

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