JSF 2.2 and 2.1 Nightly Builds Running Again

I'm ashamed to say it, but we've gone over two years without having a working nightly build system for Mojarra.  As of last week or so, I finally got the nightly working again.  We now have our internal hudson instances configured to publish nightly SNAPSHOT builds to the java.net snapshot repository.  Please visit my previous blog entry for instructions about how to access this repository. Here are the maven GAV for the code lines for which there are nightly builds.  The bits are only pushed to maven if all the automated tests pass. Look in the actual maven repo to see the timestamp of most recently published bits.


This is the absolutely most recent JSF version, still in active development.  JSF 2.2, or a maintenance release thereof, will be in JavaEE 7.  For more on this code line visit <http://jsf-spec.java.net/>.

Standalone Implementation (corresponding source jar available too)

The stripped API jar, only for satisfying compile time dependcies (corresponding javadoc and source jars available too)


JSF 2.1

This code line corresponds to the most recent completed JSF spec release.

Standalone Implementation (corresponding source jar available too)

The stripped API jar, only for satisfying compile time dependcies (corresponding javadoc and source jars available too). Note that this is not a SNAPSHOT because JSF 2.1 is final.


  Technorati Tags: edburns


  • arjan_t Newbie

    I wonder how all automated tests can pass. I'm trying to run the tests for the Mojarra 2.2 trunk locally. The build succeeds, but the tests fail on a missing maven dependency:

    [exec] [INFO] Building i_jsf_1995_ear

    [exec] [INFO]    task-segment: [install]

    [exec] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/sun/faces/test/bean/1.0/bean-1.0.pom

    [exec] [INFO] Unable to find resource 'com.sun.faces.test:bean:pom:1.0' in repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)

    Does the build server still has this dependency cached perhaps, or am I doing something wrong?

    • javaserverfowner WhizWhiz

      I have seen this before, it's some kind of ordering problem.  One of the automated tests is looking for a jar that is published by another of the automated tests but for some reason the ordering you are observing is not conducive to things working out correctly.

      Can you try to manually run the "ant build install" in jsf-test/GLASSFISH-11636 ?

      That test only runs in certain configurations but perhaps the other test that uses the jar from GLASSFISH-11636 doesn't run in that same set of configurations.

