Problem statement

Somewhere along the line, Zoom on macOS Catalina asked me for permission to use the mic or camera and I may have accidentally said no. How do I get it to prompt me again?

I tried the usual measures of tccutil reset Microphone but this returned a failure message. What’s going on?

This blog post is my record of what I did to resolve the problem on macOS Catalina. Results are not guaranteed.

Root cause

In my case, the root cause was the ownership of the /Users/edburns/Library/Application Support/ file was incorrect. This file must be owned by me. Instead it was owned by some other user number. I remember making some bulk ownership changes somewhere along the line.

Nutshell solution

  1. Do all the stuff that allows you to modify TCC.db.
  2. chown the TCC.db to me.
  3. Restore all the stuff that prevents you from modifying TCC.db.
  4. tccutil reset Microphone
  5. Perform the action in Zoom that caused it to prompt for permission.
  6. Say Yes.

Detailed solution

Temporarily disable System Integrity Protection (SIP)

  1. Shut down and reboot in “Recovery mode”.
    1. Shut down.
    2. Hold down Command R while powering on.
    3. Release when the Apple logo appears.
  2. When you get a menu bar, in the Utilities menu select Terminal.
  3. The terminal should open as root.
  4. csrutil disable.
  5. Exit the terminal and quit the Terminal app.
  6. Restart.

Ensure the TCC.db has the correct ownership

For an apparently very helpful resource on TCC.db see A deep dive into macOS TCC.db.

  1. cd ~Library/Application\ Support/ If you can’t do this, grant “Full disk access” to your terminal program. Look elsewhere for how to do that.
  2. chown the TCC.db file to your userid.
  3. cd to get back to your home directory.

Re-enable System Integrity Protection (SIP)

  1. Shut down and reboot in “Recovery mode”.
    1. Shut down.
    2. Hold down Command R while powering on.
    3. Release when the Apple logo appears.
  2. When you get a menu bar, in the Utilities menu select Terminal.
  3. The terminal should open as root.
  4. csrutil enable.
  5. Exit the terminal and quit the Terminal app.
  6. Restart.

Run the tccutil command

  1. tccutil reset Microphone. If you want to reset other permissions, there is a big schema of names. To reset everything replace Microphone with All. Case is sensitive.
  2. You should see a message that indicates success.